Canada’s Oil & Gas Workforce Will Need More Than Talent

Canada’s Oil & Gas Workforce Will Need More Than Talent

New talent will need to be attracted and retained, while knowledge will need to be transferred from the existing and departing talent. Research by PetroLMI about Canada’s oil & gas workforce that was quoted by JWN states that the industry will be challenged should a significant rebound in hiring occur.[1] This is true – and…

A Pipeline’s First and Best Defence

A Pipeline’s First and Best Defence

A pipeline’s first and best line of defense against corrosion damage is the external coatings.   Coatings are only one of many methods, technologies, and practices used to ensure pipeline integrity from design and construction to operations, maintenance and retirement.[1] Related: Effective Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS). Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) is a powder coating that provides…

The Ultimate Skills Challenge – Pipe vs. Plate Welder

The Ultimate Skills Challenge – Pipe vs. Plate Welder

Related: Effective Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS). Note This article was originally published by the AWS Welding Journal in the December 2015 Vol. 94 No. 12 edition and by FABTECH 8-Jan-16 About the Author Roy O. Christensen is a Welding Engineering Technologist who has over 35 years’ experience with O&G, pipeline, and other projects. He has…

How to Achieve FAT Success for Your Oil Sands Project

How to Achieve FAT Success for Your Oil Sands Project

Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) is used to verify equipment compliance to project requirements and specifications INTRODUCTION When an internet search reveals limited results, it may be for one of two reasons.  The first is that few people are interested in, and search on the topic. The second is that, as yet, few have been able…

More Tips on Tipping and Claiming Meal Expenses

More Tips on Tipping and Claiming Meal Expenses

Here are more tips for meals that are a business expense and getting reimbursed INTRODUCTION The article How to Tip Your Server at a Restaurant offers excellent advice about tipping.  This includes information about international norms and provides an easy way to calculate a 10% or 20% tip.  Just move the decimal point of the…

MTR Turnover–What is it Good For?  Absolutely Nothin’!

MTR Turnover–What is it Good For? Absolutely Nothin’!

If you think that MTR turnover to owner-users is always required, think again! It is a commonly held belief with oil & gas (O&G), oil sands, and pipeline projects that material test reports (MTRs) are always required for turnover to the owner-user, but that is untrue.  In this article I will describe what MTRs are,…

Quality Matters

Quality Matters

Quality Definitions for EP Projects Several quality-related terms are often used interchangeably by engineering and procurement (EP) projects and their clients or suppliers to describe various activities, but in fact, these have different meanings (e.g., Quality Assurance/Quality Control [QA/QC]).  Related: Successful Projects Need Effective Communication. This article will focus on explaining the terms Quality Assurance…

How to Write an Effective Consultant’s Resume

How to Write an Effective Consultant’s Resume

And Make it Easy for Clients to Choose Your Services INTRODUCTION There are oceans of information on the internet and in other resources for writing an employment curriculum vitae (CV) or resume (see Figure, 1), but a search for information about a consulting resume will draw fewer hits.  This article will address that gap by…